Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello blogging world...check out for my updated blog! Thanks so much for reading!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nurse's Tip of the Day

Never underestimate the power of being a responsible and caring parent...or the effects of the opposite.

Yours Nursingly,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Me and My IV Pole

Let me tell you a little story about me and my IV pole. We are always together and never far apart. He is squeaky and noisy as we walk down the hall. He tries to be so sneaky when he follows me but its no secret at all. Sometimes I want run and play but IV pole is not that way. He is slow and needs my help so we prefer to stay.

Let me tell you a story about me and my IV pole. We are the best of friends you see as I know he really cares for me. He controls the tubes running into deep inside of me. He helps me drink. He helps me eat. He gives me the medicines I need.

This is my story about me and my IV pole. Even though he beeps and beeps and beeps and beeps...I get quite sad when it's the end. As I am on my way, I will turn to him and say, "Until next time dear intravenous friend"

Yours Nursingly,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fresh Air

Sometimes I find myself taking the simplest things in life for granted. I was talking with one of my patients the other day and they were telling me they went outside for the first time in over eight weeks. It was the first time in eight weeks they were able to take a breath of fresh air, hear all the city sounds, and listen the birds chirping. The weather that day was absolutely beautiful. You know, one of those days where there is not one cloud in the sky, the sun is shining, and the sky is as blue as can be. I could tell how much they enjoyed this through the sheer excitement on their face and in their voice. They were so proud of this accomplishment and I was proud of them too.

As I was leaving their room I thought to myself, "when was the last time I stopped to enjoy a beautiful day? To merely appreciate the fact that every day I walk out my front door and take a breath of fresh air?" I wonder, what other simple things in life have I been taking for granted lately?

Yours Nursingly,

Monday, August 2, 2010

In Your Shoes

Dear child, I wonder what it's like to live in your shoes?

To have to stay in your room because your body can't fight off germs.
To have your long blonde hair fall out piece by piece because of your treatments.
To have to stay in bed because your pain is too much.
To be poked and prodded countless times a day in hopes that some sense will be made of how you are doing.

To step outside for the first time in three months.
To know that you have finished your very last treatment.
To hear from the doctor you are finally in remission.
To know you will be able to enjoy life as a kid again.

Although I do not know for sure, I do know I will be there caring for you each step of the way.

Yours Nursingly,

Thursday, July 22, 2010


At 12:30 this afternoon as I was sitting in my Nursing Orientation I got a txt from my mom that said "You've got mail". My heart started pounding, I became restless, and I am sure my blood pressure sky rocketed. The wait was almost over. I knew when I got home this piece of mail would change my life forever. I've been grumpy, stressed, and sick to my stomach most of the week in anticipation of the information this envelope contained.

Since January, I've felt like I've been jumping through hoops to get to the point where I can write the letters RN, BScN behind my name. The journey I started four years ago was finally coming to an end, but it seemed as there were still so many things keeping me from reaching the finish line. My last term of school was by far the most challenging as it felt like every aspect of my life was turned upside down or moving at an uncontrollable speed. My mission was simple. Finish the term with good marks, study for the CRNE, write the exam, graduate, get my temp RN license, and start my new job.

As each task was crossed off my list, feelings of excitement consumed me as I was getting closer and closer to the finish line. Receiving my degree was overwhelming as I realized that finally all my hard work had paid off. The first time I signed "RN Temp" behind my name instead of my student signature was when it started to sink in that I was working as a nurse.  The best part of it all was that my dreams were actually coming true right in front of my eyes. However, there was only one catch. With one letter in the mail all of it could disappear. I was terrified. I feel like I've been holding my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop all week.

When I finally got home today and opened the mail the first line of the letter read "We are pleased to inform you that you have been successful on your June 2, 2030 Canadian Registered Nurse Examination". I PASSED!!! My reaction was one that I wasn't expecting...usually I'm so excited I can't contain myself with big news like this, but today was different. I just closed my eyes, tilted my head back and breathed a sigh of relief. I finally made it! The marathon is finally over!

I am a Registered Nurse!

Yours Nursingly,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Precious Moments

When someone asks me “what is a nurse” or “what do you nurses do exactly”, I often find myself stumbling over my words and giving some vague answer that I know doesn't do my profession justice.  In my head I think, how can words describe the complexity of this beloved and trusted profession?  If only they could come experience what my day at work is like.  If only they would see how my job is more than following doctor’s orders, giving medications, or changing beds.  If only they could hear what goes through my head when I’m recording a child’s high temperature or analyzing blood work.  If only they could see that the health of an individual is so much more than treating a disease.  If only they could understand the difference taking the time to sit with a patient can make.

​On my second day of work as a new grad I had a one-year-old patient whose diagnosis was still uncertain. This dear child had been poked and prodded time after time and the doctors were still trying to figure out what was going on. It was obvious her mother was concerned and cared for her child, but each time I went in to check on her she was by herself sitting in her crib.  The health care team had been in an out all day taking blood, doing assessments, taking a swab for this and a swab for that.  Each time she would see one of us approach in our yellow gowns and masks she would get restless and fussy.

During that afternoon when I went in to do my hourly check she was alone again, sitting in her crib looking around.  I approached the crib and smiled through my mask and started rubbing her back. She looked at me with her big brown eyes and raised her arms.  At that moment I realized this dear child had likely not been cuddled or hugged much at all that day.  I picked her up and she clung to me with a fierce little grip and laid her head on my shoulder.  She would not let go.  After a few minutes she calmed down and just sat there in my arms.  I will never forget the feeling of this little one hugging me so.

It was humbling to share this moment and be there for her in this way. On my drive home I realized that this is what nursing means.  These precious moments flicker by us so quickly and often go unnoticed, but they are the foundation of everything nurses do.

Yours Nursingly,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iron sharpens iron...

Iron sharpens iron. This is talking about how the character of those we spend our time with will rub off on us and our character on them. You may be thinking, how on earth does this apply to nursing school? And yes, it may be a stretch but all I can do is speak from experience. I know firsthand that by surrounding yourself with friends who will push you to be the best you can be, support you, and encourage you (and by you doing the same for them), you will be able to manage the stresses of school and life more effectively and enjoy your experience. On the other hand, by doing the opposite and surrounding yourself with people who are "negative nancies" and not encouraging, your experience may not be as enjoyable.

I was able to live with other girls from my program, which was amazing because we understood the pressures and demands of the program and were able to be there for each other. As well, I have been able to develop close friendships, and through countless coffee and lunch dates have been able to talk about our successes and struggles and be a support and encouragement to one another.

Although I valued and cared for them dearly, I didn't fully understand how privileged I was to have this support until I moved home during my last year and was no longer able to walk across the hall and talk about my day, or drop by a friends house on the way home from school. I really missed them and had to work hard to overcome the distance. It then became about maintaining these friendships and building new ones.

For me, I have seen the value of surrounding myself with people who have inspired me to be a better person...not just a better student. And hopefully I have been able to do the same for them.

Who are you surrounded by? Who are you sharpening?

Yours Nursingly,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Be well-rounded...

This concept is a pretty simple one, and no it's not encouraging the Freshman 15 many of us experience in first year. All I want to express with this point is try and do more than eat, sleep, breath school. Get involved. Whether it's with an intramural sports team, a club on campus, or something else extracurricular, take the time to get involved with something other than school. Why? Because you never know what doors might open up for you in the future because of the things you are getting involved with or doing as you go through school. Even more importantly, living a balanced life filled with many different things is healthy. It spices life up a bit!

Yours Nursingly,

Monday, May 3, 2010

65 hours + no sleep = BAD IDEA

So here it is...the typical time management speech. We all know that managing your time wisely really helps keep the stress level down, but truthfully how many of us actually do? I'm going to keep this pretty short as the title of this post is pretty clear. I wish I could say I learned this time management lesson the first time, but this is not the case. The moral of the story is leaving three final term papers (all of which were due within 48 hours of each other) until the very last possible moment to start writing is not a healthy choice and can result in absurd behaviour like going without sleep for 65 hours. Let me tell you...your mind starts doing funny things when you've been without sleep for this long :) Unfortunately it took me until fourth year to really understand how good time management makes your life (and I have to assume the lives of those around you) a lot more enjoyable!!

Anyways...I say all that to say be kind to yourself...sometimes we self inflict the school stress upon ourselves by wasting precious time away and not being diligent with our time. Maybe I am the only one who has had this problem but then I remember my all-nighter buddies and know this isn't so.

Yours Nursingly,